Walking the Isle of Wight

Walking the Isle of Wight

May 31 2017 | Legacy Project

A CA team of 17 determined walkers took on 106km (66miles) of coastal paths for the Isle of Wight Challenge 2017.


With no sleep and around 30 hours of walking, the team completed their journey, all to raise funds to help disabled people enjoy games. We support Special Effect with a variety of activities each year.


Special Effect

The CA Isle of Wight Team
The CA Isle of Wight Team

"Today I'm reflecting on the madness that was the 106km Isle of Wight challenge whilst being stuck in bed and unable to move. I've never done a race or challenge in my life, never crossed a start or finish line, never prepared for this kind of madness. Its amazing what the human body can do... I already had searing pain in my legs and feet at the 45km mark and had to walk with that pain right through the night and first half of the day. 

Near the end when I reached the 98km mark I was done... I couldn't move, my knees wouldn't bend and I was starting to hallucinate. When I crawled my way to the 100km mark that gave me the motivation to go into a state of mind where I was able to accept the pain and when I saw the finish tent 2km away on top of the hill I ran downhill on my toes as it was too painful to use my heels, my colleague Helen walked with me (bless you Helen you are amazing) a few hundred meters before the finish line and I was crying uncontrollably when I reached it. 

I don't think I will ever try to cross this kind of distance ever again.. was a once in a lifetime experience! Well done to the rest of the team I have so much respect for your determination and so grateful for the support you gave me.

Before I started I aimed for a finishing time of 27 hours and managed 26:55!"

Fey Vercuiel, Lead UI Artist



"I think as human beings there are certain things we respond to on a deeper level, and one of them is being reintroduced to the elements and the limits of our own bodies. Removed from TV's​​ and computer monitors, fluorescent lighting and air condition. Enjoying great scenery like the epic chalk cliffs of Isle of Wight, whilst getting to know each other. A prolonged stay outdoors where your stamina and willpower is tested, as a group, is bound to have a bonding effect, and I believe we can all agree on this. There was laughter and there was pain. And we all shared it. So now I know a whole bunch of new people, and I would gladly venture out on new adventures with them.

I truly believe that a company that can foster experiences like this for its employees is a company well worth staying with."

David Foss, Senior Technical Artist

The team share a little of their experience of the Isle of Wight Challenge 2017